
Dear Uncle,

I cant believe how close we are. We could be closer but I think we have really come a long way from
where we were before. We have always had the same personalities, but because I've gotten older our relationship has done nothing but get better. I can talk to you and you understand, I can think some thing, and you've thought the same thing. I can say something stupid, or funny, and you'll laugh because we have the same humour. In so many ways you'd think that I'd be your kid because we are so much alike, and how some days I wish I was. My cousins are lucky to have a father like you. You are there when they need you, you're hard on them when you need to be, you show them the exact way between right and wrong, and good and bad. You've done wrong in your life, not all being your fault, but you made everything right. I wish you were able to speak your mind more freely sometimes and really tell the truth because I know you're always logical. And one of the best things you ever told me was how much of a talent I have. I never told you, and acted like it was nothing, but really when you had said that to me, it engraved itself in my mind. You are one of the only people that I believe that has told me that. Uncle, I thank you & my aunt so much for being like best friends to me.

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