
My name is a season.
Im also named after a kid my mom used to make fun of.
Im short to everyone but it depends on how tall you are.
I rarely ever wear make-up.
I love zebra stuff.
I dont use apostrophes, or dot my i's or j's but i cross my t's.
I say shiz not shit and eff instead of fuck.
I fall kinda easy.
I have a passion for love.
I love the 80's.
I love acoustic songs.
I miss not living with my parents.
I use safety pins for bookmarks.
I love big comfy couches, and beds.
I love dryer-warmed blankets.
I love snuggles, and hugs.
I love downtown places,
And city lights at night.
I love waterfronts.
I love the dark, and stars.
I love the subway.
I miss the town I used to live in.
I love the dark, the stars, the moon.
I love summer nights.
I dislike cold with passion.
I enjoy my sleep, so much.
I like the snow, from inside, or when its not freezing outside.
I'm a tea junkie.
I like to sleep on top of the comforter instead of under it.
I tend to tell people what they wanna hear sometimes.
I break nearly EVERYTHING I touch.
I just love song lyrics, and songs that go along with driving or riding in a car.
I love the smell of dog paws.
I love pockets.
I wear glasses, and sometimes I enjoy it.

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