
Its been one year.
I wore your necklace today.
I even got a compliment on it today.
You used to wear it quite often, and its the one I always remember you wearing.
Its been one year.
One year since you left us,
one year since you left me.
There are so many things that make me feel so much like you now.
Saying I miss you, It's not fair, or You should be here doesn't justify my feelings.
You were too young for sure, but you were too sick at the same time.
I would wear this necklace everyday if I could.
I really need you here some days,
and I would bring you back healthy, if I could.

Barbara Cowan-Sharpe


  1. Well said Winter
    She knows,
    Love Mama

  2. You know she's watching over you, Win.
    She'll always be there, listening.
    All you have to do is talk to her if you need her.
